What Does WSG Mean In Texting?

If you are looking for What Does WSG Mean? then you are at a perfect place, here in our blog we will explain to you What WSG means in texting. In social media like snapchat, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp people will communicate through text messages mostly. People will use this chat option for normal messages and for business purposes. Many acronyms and shortcuts are used in texting instead of typing the whole sentences. 

We have to be up to date with the latest trends in social media along with generation Z, so we need to know about all these acronyms and short forms that are used in the texts and hashtags. Here in this article let us discuss about What Does WSG Mean in texting.

What Does WSG Mean?

The most popular meaning of WSG in social media is what’s Good. Nowadays this phrase is used in the place of the What’s Up, How’s it going and How’s it going which were used formerly by most of the people in the texting. Now WSG has become an alternative for all these phrases. This phrase of what’s good is mainly popular among the black community.

Knowing the meaning of these types of acronyms is compulsory because if someone texts us suddenly using acronyms then we will be in a state of bother and do not know what to reply to their message. Through this article you have known What Does WSG Mean and in what situations it is used in the social media channels and other texting platforms.

Some Other Meanings And Phrases of WSG

Normally when two or more people are texting or messaging in some platform when they meeting after days or after a long period of time then they will have their conversation using WSG as follows

Person 1 (Jack):  Hey Peter, WSG?

Person 2 (Peter): Hi Jack, All cool here. WSG with you?

The two people in the above conversation used WSG, that means what’s good. Same here some people will use “How are you”, “What’s Up” and “How are you doing” etc. for these phrases also there are shortcuts like HAU, WU, HAYD. Here WSG is used as a conversation starter. Below are some more phrases where people WSG while texting or messaging.

  • WSG with you Jack?
  • WSG on the menu?
  • WSG at the Bakery?

WSG at the Location?

  • WSG at the Event?
  • WSG at the Hotel?

More Meanings For WSG in Texting

Not only “what’s good” WSG also refers to other meanings and phrases, some of them are mentioned below.

  • White Girl Status
  • Word-Study Group
  • Workstation Gateway
  • With Special Guest
  • Wrestling Sports and Games
  • Web Standards Group
  • Windows Socket Group
  • Wireless Subscriber Gateway
  • World Shadow Government
  • Working Systems Group
  • Wireless Services Gateway
  • Web Services Gateway
  • Water Sewer Gas
  • Web Security Guard
  • World Surfing Games
  • World Geodetic System
  • Wholesale Service Group

Some More Acronyms Used In Texting

For the people who are asking for What Does WSG Mean have to know some more similar acronyms that are used in snapchat. Twitter and Instagram platforms]

HIG (how’s it going?)

NFS [Not For Sale]

IMK [In My Knowledge]

IMMA (I’m going to)

FS [For Sale]

WAG (what’s going on?)

WLC [Welcome]

WGO (what’s going on?)

PMO [Put Me On]

WIGO (what is going on?)

WTM [what’s The Move]

WTHIGO (what the hell is going on?)

KMS [Kill Myself]

WUG (where you going?)


Now you know What Does WSG Mean? Due to digitalization and technology improvements people are using social channels more and messaging each other. Mainly gamers will use most of the short cuts with their gaming partners while they are playing games. So if you want to be updated in social media and gaming platforms you need to be aware of this acronyms to communicate with others.

Also Read: How To Unlock The Butterflies Lens On Snapchat?


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