Top Trends In Technology In 2021

The year 2020 is presented as a key period for technological development and the advancement of digital transformation processes of companies and institutions. How will these developments influence and what trends in the telecommunications sector will be key in the coming months? Learn more in this post.

Trends in the telecommunications sector in 2021

What are the main trends in the telecommunications sector that will lead the way for digital transformation? How will the new technological advances (Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Blockchain…) influence from the point of view of telecommunications? Know the forecasts of the experts on this list.

Artificial Intelligence

Until recently it seemed like a concept for the future, but the reality is that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two of the main trends in the telecommunications sector and in their application to companies. From the most basic aspects such as chatbots to the most advanced Machine Learning processes for companies, Artificial Intelligence is already present in the day-to-day of companies, regardless of its size.

How is all this change going to influence the telecommunications sector? From decision-making and customer relationship processes to the possibility of calculating and anticipating companies’ spending on contracted services.

The influence of Artificial Intelligence affects all levels of society and, in this sense, some experts point out that it will be key to improving the efficiency of the services provided, as well as optimizing mobile and fixed networks.

Arrival and implementation of 5G

If you doubt one of the great trends in the communications sector in the coming months will be the arrival, implementation, and development of 5G technology, which, as a test, is already being tested in several Spanish cities. Do you know the 5G implementation schedule in Spain?

5G is, undoubtedly, the lever on which the path towards the digital transformation of companies will be supported and, in this sense, the impact on the telecommunications sector will also be important, since the main operators They have been preparing this moment for months, which, among many others, will promote changes in the shared use of networks and new formats of services to clients and companies.

Internet of Things and its applications in the Smart City

Closely linked to the development of 5G in the development of the Internet of Things and its applications in the Smart Cities environment. According to forecasts, an exponential growth in the number of connected objects is expected in the coming months, which, according to experts, can reach 20,000 million in the medium term.

The development of IoT is, without a doubt, one of the major trends in the telecommunications sector in the coming years, both from the point of view of service coverage, the creation of specific networks of connected objects, or the development of proprietary platforms. to cover companies and promote the development of entrepreneurial initiatives, such as from the point of view of the telecommunications sector itself, where important changes are expected.

Edge computing or ‘Edge computing’

The boost and proliferation of the Internet of Things and the huge amount of data that will be mobilized through 5G will bring, according to experts, the development of Edge computing systems, another of the trends in the telecommunications sector. in which the focus is placed for the coming months.

Deployment of ultrafast networks

Over the next few months, the deployment of ultrafast telecommunications networks will intensify and will allow a significant improvement in Internet access and data transmission speed. The objective is none other than to boost connectivity in small towns or points with difficult connections, as well as the development of new productive spaces linked to Industry 4.0.

In this sense, the deployment of ultra-fast telecommunications networks is a priority issue for the European Union, which, through the ERDF funds, has promoted calls for aid throughout the European territory.


Blockchain is another of the great technological challenges of the immediate future. The technology of the ‘blockchain’ will also mean an important change in the field of telecommunications both from the internal point of view (real-time monitoring of communications, consumption, and billing, as well as fraud prevention), as from the point of view of the services and security possibilities that will be offered to customers by the operators.

Big Data and Deep Learning

We close this list of trends in the telecommunications sector for the coming months with the obligatory reference to Big Data and Deep Learning processes. What impact will it have on the operators? From an internal point of view, experts point to optimization of services and cost savings thanks to much more reliable and real-time information.

In the same way, the application of this technology will affect the services of storage, analysis, and automation of processes.


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