The Hybrid Public?

The new consumer is… an avatar! In reality, the public has been an avatar for many decades. What if not…

3 years ago

What Is Microtargeting?

Do you know what microtargeting is? Do the concepts micro-segmentation and Big Data sound familiar to you? Since the beginning…

3 years ago

Why is Big Data Merging with the Construction Sector?

Like most other industries, the construction industry produces a huge amount of data daily. However, as this mass of information…

3 years ago

What Is Big Data? And Why Is It Important?

Large amounts of data (big data) are accumulated on the Internet or in companies every day, but how can they…

4 years ago

How Will 5G Revolutionize The Cloud & Big Data?

It is now clear that 5G will dramatically change how we consume data shortly. Already deployed in many cities, the…

4 years ago

What SMEs Need to Know About AI and ML

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) has been rapid and industry disruptive. More people have access…

4 years ago

Big Data – An Essential Tool To Boost eCommerce

The use of Big Data will allow eCommerce to improve decision-making, control of operational processes, and understanding of customers, as…

5 years ago

Big Data and AI are Transforming The Customer Experience

Technology alters people's lives and, therefore, it is also changing businesses and how they focus on certain areas of their…

5 years ago

Big Data As A Fundamental Element In Business Strategy

Increasingly, companies are aware of the value that the use of real-time analytics brings to their businesses, which is why…

5 years ago

Employment In The Big Data Era

The massification of information, the amount of data that is transmitted and crossed over the Internet today contain the secrets…

5 years ago