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Starting your day at work not at a fixed workplace in the office, but at home, in a café, or a co-working space? Managing virtual collaboration using digital tools? Working when you are most productive? This is already part of everyday life for many companies. More and more organizations are discovering remote work as a modern working model.
This form of work is not just a buzzword. Still, it has been an unstoppable megatrend since the Corona pandemic at the latest, also in many German companies and even public authorities and executives. It promises a better (work)life balance, more productivity, and a flexible working day.
According to a study by CNBC, around the world, 70 percent of employees now work remotely at least one day a week. But what does remote work mean? What is the difference between the home office and where can I find remote jobs?
Remote work means not having a fixed place of work but pursuing your tasks independently of location – with flexible time management. This independence and flexibility make the whole world a “workplace.” The term “remote work” means distance work or telework and therefore does not require a specific workplace.
In this way, any location can – at least theoretically – become a “mobile office”: your own four walls, your favorite café in town, or the beach bar in Bali. However, there is no fixed definition of the concept since every employee and organization can adapt the implementation to their own needs. How far the freedoms go and what jointly agreed framework conditions are, is to be determined individually. A synonym is the term mobile office.
Employees who work from any location are usually less involved in everyday office life. On the other hand, the home office concept is often about transferring the regulated working hours and company processes from the office to one’s own home. This keeps the structure of everyday office life intact.
With the home office, a permanent workplace is created in the private sphere, including working hours agreed with the employer. Furthermore, many employees who work from home still have the opportunity to work in the office if necessary. For employees who are dissatisfied with the structures in the office, however, the home office offers less room for change.
At the same time, the home office now has a rather negative image. Common associations are less concentration and discipline, evoking images such as working “out of bed” or a laptop between the laundry basket and the ironing board. On the other hand, remote work enjoys a more professional reputation due to its more explicit focus on one’s productivity.
In contrast to the home office, the remote worker does not have a permanent workplace. Maybe you work more concentrated at your desk at home, but your creativity is encouraged by the hustle and bustle in co-working spaces, such as those in so-called smart cities? Then you can adapt your way of working and working environment.
Employees at Remote decide where they work and how their working day is structured. Start earlier in the morning and free up in the afternoon? The aim is to exploit the full potential to achieve the best possible results.
Those looking for remote work should read job advertisements correctly and carefully. There is often talk of “working from home,” which is not to be equated with remote work. If you are specifically looking for remote work, then the work should theoretically be able to be done from anywhere in the world. There are now specially designed job portals that specialize in remote jobs.
The job portal “New Work-Life” is – as the name suggests – specialized in new forms of work. B. Remote work. The sectors are distributed over human resources, IT and marketing, product and project management, editorial activities, service, and support. Full-time, part-time, freelance, and working student jobs are offered.
Working anywhere or the “feasibility” depends heavily on the available work tools. Tools for video conferencing, social networks, and collaboration software collect relevant information for all employees and are essential for teamwork.
These tools help with digital collaboration :
Success with remote work: Only through transparent communication in the team. It is easier to discuss in advance with the team which digital tools are considered helpful and which can be omitted. One thing is straightforward – digital tools only provide support if people share their knowledge with other remote workers.
Personal time management: Precisely structured time planning is underestimated – a template makes sense in recurring projects – even without specifications from the employer. Those who do not set precise time limits usually work longer and do not necessarily achieve more. Another finding is that the average hours worked are increasing for remote workers.
Due to the lack of physical proximity, the team spirit and the common goal can be lost. The team culture should be promoted regularly so that teamwork, togetherness, and communication within the company do not suffer. Digital tools help for a simple exchange and team-building games and joint (virtual) events.
Even in remote work, a clear structure for the working day is essential to schedule tasks and achieve set goals. Daily rituals, such as fixed lunch breaks, help here, even without a fixed place of work.
Remote work has become indispensable in the working world. The concept extends the home office, which is now well-known in many places, with additional components and thus creates its form of work. It is mainly about the flexible design of the day, tailored to the needs of people. This includes a free choice of place of work, better adaptation to the personal situation, and optimal use of one’s high performance.
Also Read: Workplace – Home Office
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