Why Do Influencer Marketing?

The media have changed, and with them, the content creators. Among many others, one of the consequences of this new reality has been the appearance of new leaders of interest, the so-called influencers. Those people whose opinion can mobilize a large number of people, their followers, are considered such. As expected, someone with the ability […]

Robots – History, Types & Application

Robots can positively change the world of work – even in small businesses. This introductory article clarifies which types of robots there are and what they can be used for. One type of robot, in particular, is surprising. When people talk about modern work today, one often hears the terms digitization and artificial intelligence. Still, […]

Why You Need Streaming Apps for Your Business

The way we consume material is continuously changing because of technological advancements. One of the biggest things the surge of technology has created is – urgency. The days of television as the major source of entertainment are long gone. Video streaming applications are unquestionably gaining the lead as customer preferences shift. They enable customers to […]

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