Business Energy Usage: How to Make it Cheaper and Greener

In business, there’s always the drive to keep costs low. Making your firm operate with the lowest possible overheads means maximizing your profits and running a streamlined, highly competi-tive company. But in 2021, a new factor is becoming increasingly important for your company’s self-image and reputation among clients and customers: your green credentials. In this […]

The Digital Age Marks The Era Of A New Type Of Marketing.

By the end of 2022, 70% of the world’s population will access the Internet. This is a game-changer for companies, especially in terms of marketing. The word that will have marked the last decade is undoubtedly the anglicism “business model,” which constitutes a fundamental subject for many successful books in the field of management (more […]

Boost Your Turnover With A Mobile Application

93% of people have a mobile, 71% a smartphone, 41% a tablet. Starting from this fact, mobile navigation is the inevitable trend of recent years and has experienced exceptional growth since 2006.As a result of this development, more and more companies are redefining their mobile digital strategy internally. Consequently, these companies have a real stake […]

Explainable And Reliable Artificial Intelligence

Intelligent systems are increasingly part of our lives. They are helpful in different areas and help us make decisions. Therefore, there is talk of the need to develop an ethical, explainable, reliable, and transparent Artificial Intelligence. In part also because of the commitment of the European Union and the community that are emerging to establish […]

Telecommuting – Metrics And Analytics

In the workplace, we are faced with a new panorama that requires a lot of information. Data, analysis on them, and obtaining insights that allow us, among other things, to understand the impact and changes generated by teleworking. Once we have asked ourselves the necessary questions to analyze the reality of telework that we face […]

8 Significant Technologies in the Medical Field

Recent technological development in health care contributes to a more reliable and advanced approach. The latest technology allows timely treatment for patients, but it also offers an easier way to communicate between facilities. This tactic helps in giving better response time to patient’s needs at an affordable cost.  Moreover, technological advancement offers better adoption of […]

The Five Reasons That Push An Internet User To Leave Your Website Temporarily.

This is not inevitable, provided you identify the causes of the problem. An Internet user may be required to leave it permanently or temporarily during his visit to a commercial site. These exits can be classified into two main categories: departures from permanent sites (called “churn”) and leaves from temporary areas (called “exturn”). The term […]

Explanatory Methods of Artificial Intelligence In Health

Traditionally, most Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods have been considered black boxes to which we give a series of data, and they return a prediction. However, sometimes it is essential to know why our model is making the decisions it is making. For example, decision-making is a critical point in the medical field since a decision […]

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