Digital Buzzwords You Should Know In 2020

In a conversation about digitization and new technologies, words come up that are completely unknown to you. You may have heard other words, but you don’t know the exact meaning. So that you always have a clear view of the topic of digitization, we explain 11 buzzwords that you should definitely know by 2020! Working […]

Facebook Power Editor – Facebook Combines Power Editor and Ad Manager

Big change in Facebook’s advertising world: The social network of Mark Zuckerberg combines its Facebook power editor and the advertising manager in one new tool: the updated advertising manager. For a few days now, there has been a new tool in Facebook’s advertising world – the updated ad manager. This new tool is intended to […]

Big Data and AI are Transforming The Customer Experience

Technology alters people’s lives and, therefore, it is also changing businesses and how they focus on certain areas of their activity. Businesses have more means than ever to understand their customers’ needs and, in the same way, customers have more information on hand than ever. That’s why companies try to offer an engaging and helpful […]

Wearable Devices – What Are Your Most Common Vulnerabilities?

There are many types of wearable devices. In fact, each time we have new connected devices that help us measure many things in our daily lives, especially our data. These devices interact with our bodies directly or indirectly, to collect data with which to elaborate useful information for the user. We can count from sports […]

Crisis Marketing – New Opportunities After COVID-19

Experts capture all their professional experience in Crisis Marketing, new opportunities after COVID-19, a book that seeks to help companies make this way out of the crisis easier. Without magic recipes (that do not exist), applying their own methodology and common sense to a new context. Context and analysis, learn from mistakes The objective of […]

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