Facebook’s online advertising platforms have become one of the pillars of digital marketing. The article will explain how Facebook ads work, what benefits they bring to advertisers, and how to set up a campaign.

Focusing on what you want to achieve through Facebook ads is the main key to obtaining better results; defining an objective will allow you to set the goals of advertising campaigns or personal ads, directing strategies to be measurable and successful results.

The Recognition Goals

Brand recognition is an objective from which it is sought to show ads to people to capture their attention to increase the general recognition of the brand, where the interaction can be developed through a publication or video reproduction, from the ad recall estimated improvement metric. This metric seeks to generate a memory of the ad in the audience days after it is published.

The choice of the target audience for the case of the ad in question is based on behavioural criteria, where the relationship that people have with the page and their interaction is established, thus enabling greater feedback with the ad.

On the other hand, survey criteria allow random samples to be carried out on quantitative variables to establish whether people remember a certain advertisement. This aspect is defined with the answer to a question that will identify the number of people who saw the ad and the number of people who did not see it, answering “yes” or “no” as the case may be.

The scope is another target ad that seeks to reach as many people as possible without exceeding the budget and the possibility of segmenting locations, ages, tastes, and interests. The main purpose is to grab the attention of the public who is interested truly in the mark.

Consideration Goals

The objectives of consideration are based on generating greater interaction with people. Traffic evaluates the number of people who enter Facebook to develop some action of value. Link ads are a successful strategy that allows you to measure through clicks on the link to establish target metrics, naturally on Facebook and other linked platforms; click to call, click to send a message, click to website, click to map, click to link for Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, and others.

The generation of potential clients is also an objective of consideration. It seeks to encourage people to register to learn more about the brand, its different social networks or website. It works well with the ads for potential clients through instant forms to collect valuable contact information.

Messages are an objective of consideration that allows greater closeness with potential customers. Through a messenger, we seek to generate an interaction that responds to the person’s need, intending to arrange sales. The exchange enables a greater flow of visits to the page, from the optimization of responses to the client’s interests.

Conversion Goals

Conversion objectives seek to generate certain action in potential customers through conversions, such as; carry out the process of a direct purchase until its completion effectively.

Visits in the business promote real contact with the physical establishment, identifying the management of purchases inside and outside the web.

On the other hand, Catalogue sales are usually used through campaigns that offer the most relevant products of a brand. Dynamic advertisements work perfectly for this type of advertising.

After you’ve identified your marketing goals for your ads, it’s time to create your campaign in Ads Manager:

  • Select the create option
  • Select your ad target
  • Create the campaign name
  • Check if the movement requires the special ad category
  • Select the option to create an A / B test (optional)
  • Optimize campaign budget
  • Publish ad (you can activate the option to schedule in the calendar)

Also Read: The Different Forms Of Online Advertising And Their Advantages

Facebook Business

From the Facebook Business Manager, you can create paid communications that will be shown to users interspersed with the content shared by their friends, the pages and groups they follow. In addition, being owned by Facebook by the same Business Manager, advertising campaigns can be created through a cross publication, through a parallel publication relationship on Instagram. This tool also allows you to keep a detailed control of the metrics of each ad. The platform provides various campaign possibilities that can be tailored to the stated marketing goal and strategy.

Advantages of Using The Ad Manager and Facebook Business

The main advantages of these advertising supports are the frequent use of the social network by users, segmentation possibilities, and the ease of investment to launch a campaign. Large amounts of money are not required to optimize an ad. In addition, like other forms of digital advertising, they allow real-time monitoring to correct possible mistakes, providing detailed statistics and multiple ad formats.

For businesses, it is important to invest in Facebook and Instagram to increase the visibility of their publications since the organic reach that is registered is decreasing. Facebook’sFacebook’s algorithm acts quickly and efficiently to reach a certain audience in the shortest possible time.

According to Facebook’sFacebook’s financial results report for the fourth quarter and full-year 2020, Facebook received 94% of advertising revenue from mobile. A greater number of actuaries, 88%, access their smartphones on average eight times a day. When entering the feed, they consume content immediately, 26% of users who clicked on ads made purchases, and the probability of clicking on advertisements per user is 11 actions per month. Users state that purchasing behaviour is directly influenced by Facebook, from ad marketing strategies.

How Campaigns are Structured in Facebook Business

They are based on three levels:

  • Campaigns (to set your goal).
  • Ad sets (to set targeting, budget, ad placement, and optimization methods).
  • Ads (the message that users will see).

In ad set, it will be necessary to emphasize the placements: choose Facebook or Instagram, normal or Stories, Audience Network (other websites and applications), marketplace and messenger.

Steps required to configure a campaign:

  • Select the right marketing objective
  • Select the audience you want to reach
  • Select the platforms on which the ad will be published
  • Indicate the budget and times of the announcement
  • Select the ad layout format
  • Send the ad
  • Track and measure performance

How Much do Facebook Ads Cost?

Developing a bid strategy according to the optimization objective allows defining the ad costs. Consequently, three bids are known: manual bids, bids related to purposes and requests related to expenses. When the conversion process is carried out, the performance of the campaign is evaluated. Through the attribution configuration, it is possible to improve the performance from the options of; one day after clicking, seven days after clicking (default), one day after clicking or one day after viewing, seven days after clicking or one day after viewing.

The auction determines which ads should be shown to the audience chosen by the targeting. Factors such as budget, audience, and content come into play. The ad’s profitability requires necessary processes in terms of quality of the segmentation, “temperature” of the audience, design / copywriting, and the alignment of the ad with the objective.

Ads in advanced formats require a minimum expense to function properly. When generating the publication, you will be notified in case of requiring a larger budget. Even so, the costs are relative according to the immediate needs of the companies; short, medium or long term.

Invest 5 USD and up to 50,000 USD per day, weeks or months, if possible. The important thing is to adapt to the need to obtain favourable conversion results.

Finally, it is important to find the right ad format to impact the target audience significantly. Telling the story of a brand implies creativity and dynamism, but above all, offering value proposals that allow companies to meet each of their objectives.

In challenging times for the world due to the current pandemic, companies continued to use ad services, and pandemic trends have encouraged online commerce, positioning greater digital activity concerning new consumer habits, which make up the idea of ​​optimizing time in terms of buying and selling, a relevant bet for the economy of companies worldwide!

Also Read: Seven Tips – So That a Company Can Be Found Online


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