
What Is Com.Wssyncmldm & How To Fix It?

Com.Wssyncmldm is an pre-installed android app that runs in the background of the android mobiles. This app is mainly present in the Samsung mobile phones. Even though this app may not cause any damage or harm to your mobile phone, some people will feel insecure with it and fear that it may harm their mobile phones. This is generally called Boltware which is not new in smartphones and computers. Generally these are pre installed for user help purposes.

Today in this article let us discuss completely about Com.Wssyncmldm and why it is in our devices. We also let you know how to deal with the errors with this app and is it safe to keep in our mobile device or not? Are they really necessary in our devices?

What Exactly Is Com.Wssyncmldm?

Generally android smartphone makers like Samsung and many other companies will release the mobiles with a lot of pre-installed hidden applications in it which are called as system configuration and enchantment applications. Com.Wssyncmldm is one of those apps, not only this app there are many other apps like incallui, mdxquickboard etc which are hidden and pre installed in the smart phones.

These apps main function is to track and check the system OS and other installed application updates. Even though you are not using this app it may still appear in your google activities and sometimes pop ups will occur on your device home screens. These will not cause any problems but still it may worry us to some extent. Users cannot remove these apps but they can stop the process of the apps.

Steps to Fix Com.wssyncmldm Has Stopped Working Unexpectedly

Most of the time the hidden application Com.wssyncmldm will not cause any disturbances but sometimes a pop up called Com.wssyncmldm Has Stopped Working Unexpectedly will appear on your devices. This error occurs due to new versions of android, if you are using old versions in your phone Until that point some people do not know that this app is existing on your mobile phone. So they will start worrying. For those people we will tell you some simple tricks to solve that error and make your mobile phone run smoothly.

Restart Your Mobile

If you encounter any problem with your mobile phone the first thing we will do is restart the device. Here also we need to do the same thing. If we are facing the error then we need to restart the mobile phone.

Update the applications on the Device

Once check with your device app updates. If they are not up to date then you have to update them. Go to google play store and click on update all apps option. It will automatically update all the applications.

Clear Cache and cookies

For this go to settings option in your mobile and select the apps section. Now go to the 3 dots present on the top right corner and click on system apps. Now select Com.wssyncmldm from the list and clear app data and cache.

Is Com.wssyncmldm a Malware?

Normally people with non technical knowledge will not even know about this app or not even come across this app on their device. This can be seen in only google activity. It is not a spyware or malware, it is just an app which keeps an eye on our device OS. it will not do any harm to the device or device data. So we need not to panic if we encounter this app on our device.

Final Thoughts

Now you are completely aware of what is Com.wssyncmldm and why it is in our device. We cannot remove this app from our phone. Even though there are some debugging methods from which we can remove the pre-installed hidden apps like these from our mobile phones. It may cause some harm to our device. The company itself kept these apps in the phone because there is some use with them. So let them be on our mobiles. If it causes any malfunction on the mobile then you can use the above methods we mentioned in our blog. Still if you are facing the issue with this app you can flash out this app. But before that we need to backup our device data for safety purposes.

Also Read: Computer Security Solutions – Methods And Tools


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