After COVID-19 SMEs Will Mostly Rely On Business Management Platforms To Drive Their Growth
Combining optimal security and stability with the flexibility and agility that the market demands through innovative solutions and services is the key for SMEs to boost their growth after the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They must also do so under the premise of immediacy and transparency, in an environment in which Smart Technologies […]
Whatsapp In The Contact Center As a Communication Channel With The Clients
Whatsapp is the most used instant messaging tool in the world on a personal level. In just 11 years it has been running, it has managed to exceed one billion users. Its power is such that through its platform more than 42,000 million messages are sent daily, a figure that its creators surely had not […]
Teleworking In Digital Marketing
How has the Coronavirus crisis-affected companies? The Coronavirus all over the world has caused a great impact on the social, economic, and even, we could say, culturally level, since the way we relate socially has changed and it seems that it will be something we must assume. Without going any further, labor relations have evolved […]
Dangers Of Hotspots
Today you don’t just surf the Internet at home. You are also active on the move in many places with a fast connection to the network. Hotspots in particular are often used. Hotspots are anything but safe. We clarify the most important dangers that you can face when using a hotspot. Surely everyone has seen […]
What is the Apple ID?
Anyone who uses Apple knows the Apple ID. It represents the central key to using Apple’s various services. But what exactly is this about? What exactly can it do and what options does it offer? Regardless of whether you log in to Mac on iTunes or via iPad, the Apple ID is always included and […]
How Does Google Make Money?
Google is present in all areas of everyday life today. The services are particularly popular due to their reliable functions. However, many users have often asked themselves how these services are financed. The answer to this is surprisingly simple. Gmail, Maps, StreetView, News, Drive, YouTube, Images. The list of Google services is endless. Each of […]
How To Recover Files From A Deleted USB Key?
It has happened to all of us, deleting a file from a USB flash drive by mistake, the problem is that, unlike what happens when you delete a file from your computer’s hard drive, you send it to the trash, when you erase the flash drive you do it forever. However, all is not lost […]
How To Avoid Being A Victim Of Cyber Attacks In Video Games And Esports
The rise in the volume of business of online video games and eSports has increased cyber hazards in this sector. According to the experts, it is essential that the players, adults or young people, know the keys to enjoy with them without running security risks that could endanger the bank account or the privacy of […]
What Is Data Residency And How Important Is It?
The data are crucial for businesses, are their most important asset. When we talk about data, we usually refer to it in general, but above all to the most valuable data, which is what refers to our clients. These are the data that, in addition, we must protect so that privacy is respected, and so […]
Enhance Small Business Reputation and Profits by Exchange on VoIP Services
For businesses reputation is everything. It can affect your sales and it can definitely impact your business partners. If you regularly pay your invoices late, then your business will soon stop being wanted in the future. You must treat every party with respect and do your best so that they leave thinking positively about you. […]