Why In This Christmas Campaign IT Tools Will Be Even More Important
In recent years, the Christmas campaign has started earlier and earlier. Consumption patterns have established getting gifts and seasonal products – or starting pre-purchase research – at earlier and earlier dates. The context of the last two years has accelerated this trend. Last year, Christmas consumers wanted to make their purchases earlier to avoid going […]
What Is Microtargeting?
Do you know what microtargeting is? Do the concepts micro-segmentation and Big Data sound familiar to you? Since the beginning of the online marketing of digital campaigns have sought to focus their communication efforts on niche markets that most interest them. In other words, the messages are focused on the brand’s target audience. But how […]
Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning In Controlling Are In Advance
The Future of Controlling What do I do with artificial intelligence, machine learning, data science, and progress through digitization as a controller? – More than you think! Companies worldwide are increasingly feeling the need to integrate new, data-based technologies to remain competitive. The use of these technologies implies far-reaching changes in the company’s internal handling […]
IT Security – The Shotgun Is Used For Shooting
It is easier than ever for criminals to break into IT systems, paralyze websites, or essential access data in today’s networked world. What attacks are companies exposed to, and how can they protect themselves from them? “Ask your doctor or pharmacist about risks and side effects,” or your IT security expert, if you have one. […]
Process Mining In The Digital Workplace – Knowing What Is Happening
Processes are an essential component – and success factor – of the digital workplace. They bring information, functions, and users together. Processes create the context to record, edit and thus use content in a targeted manner. On the way to developing the process results, additional knowledge is generated: how to work. Suppose you compare this […]
How Does A VPN Work?
The recently discovered vulnerabilities affecting WPA2 have encouraged people to talk about Virtual Private Networks (VPN) benefits. Ideally, we should all be using VPNs at home, in the office, on the way to work, over WiFi, and Ethernet. However, to use VPN for safe browsing, it is helpful to understand how they work and make […]
Essential Protection For Online Shops – The Firewall
We are starting today with the topic of firewalls, explaining what a firewall is and what you should consider when using it. What Is a Firewall? A firewall can be described as a barrier protecting entire networks and separating network areas from harmful data traffic and hacker attacks. The network firewall is installed at the […]
Antivirus, Firewall, and VPN – What Do I Need?
Digitization is advancing every day. While some of you still know what a fax machine is for, others don’t know it because today everything runs on the computer or laptop. The computer or laptop is used for communication, research, and entertainment. A complex system embodies a powerful machine that makes our lives easier. However, everything […]
Ten Surprising Reasons To Have a Blog
MANY PROFESSIONAL FIRMS ASK US IF IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE A BLOG, AND OUR ANSWER IS ALWAYS THE SAME: “IT DEPENDS ON YOUR GOALS. “ Suppose one of the Firm’s objectives is to gain new and different clients. In that case, the answer is affirmative because when someone comes to your blog seeking to […]
IT Security Is Becoming Even More Critical
More digitization means more cybercrime. Logically, more cyber attacks on companies are reported every year – especially since the central expert office for the crime. And the Internet knows no national borders, so the attacks come everywhere. There is a tendency to ignore warnings if they repeat themselves often. However, that would be a big […]