Process Mining In The Digital Workplace – Knowing What Is Happening
Processes are an essential component – and success factor – of the digital workplace. They bring information, functions, and users together. Processes create the context to record, edit and thus use content in a targeted manner. On the way to developing the process results, additional knowledge is generated: how to work. Suppose you compare this […]
How Does A VPN Work?
The recently discovered vulnerabilities affecting WPA2 have encouraged people to talk about Virtual Private Networks (VPN) benefits. Ideally, we should all be using VPNs at home, in the office, on the way to work, over WiFi, and Ethernet. However, to use VPN for safe browsing, it is helpful to understand how they work and make […]
Essential Protection For Online Shops – The Firewall
We are starting today with the topic of firewalls, explaining what a firewall is and what you should consider when using it. What Is a Firewall? A firewall can be described as a barrier protecting entire networks and separating network areas from harmful data traffic and hacker attacks. The network firewall is installed at the […]
Antivirus, Firewall, and VPN – What Do I Need?
Digitization is advancing every day. While some of you still know what a fax machine is for, others don’t know it because today everything runs on the computer or laptop. The computer or laptop is used for communication, research, and entertainment. A complex system embodies a powerful machine that makes our lives easier. However, everything […]
Ten Surprising Reasons To Have a Blog
MANY PROFESSIONAL FIRMS ASK US IF IT IS NECESSARY TO HAVE A BLOG, AND OUR ANSWER IS ALWAYS THE SAME: “IT DEPENDS ON YOUR GOALS. “ Suppose one of the Firm’s objectives is to gain new and different clients. In that case, the answer is affirmative because when someone comes to your blog seeking to […]
IT Security Is Becoming Even More Critical
More digitization means more cybercrime. Logically, more cyber attacks on companies are reported every year – especially since the central expert office for the crime. And the Internet knows no national borders, so the attacks come everywhere. There is a tendency to ignore warnings if they repeat themselves often. However, that would be a big […]
Design The Digital Workplace With Process Management
The future workplace will not only include work that is independent of time and place, such as the home office. Above all, information must be provided so that it can be used effectively and efficiently directly. Functioning process management brings people, data, documents, tasks, and required tools together. Definition: What Is Process Management? Process management […]
Overview Of GPR Technology
In the industries of environmental protection, archaeology, construction, and even law enforcement, ground penetrating radar were GPR has helped in the development of advancements for all of these industries. It is an easy-to-use technology that is completely non-invasive and can provide a substantial amount of data for different users. Five GPR Best Uses And Benefits […]
The Mistakes That Your Community Manager Should Not Make
There is a maxim: who is not on social networks does not exist. The social media or community manager figure has become essential in most companies due to the success of social networks. And this is in charge of ensuring that the image of the office is perfect in these new communication channels, but how […]
Email Fraud Is The Most Significant Business Loss
In June of this year, cyber risks were increasing. According to this, cyber-attacks are already one of the most significant business risks for many companies. Email attacks and phishing, in particular, are dangers that are being warned louder and louder – sometimes by the FBI in a report on cybercrime, which is increasing worldwide. In […]