Convert & Save: Quick Tips to Transform Excel Worksheets to PDF Files
Saving Excel spreadsheets as PDF files have become easier over time, but it can still take more effort than necessary. Many people are experiencing trouble keeping a document as a PDF because it requires multiple mouse clicks or encounters problems. This process, however, can be simplified even further with a single mouse click or the […]
4 Ways to Robust Watermarking for Copyright Protection of PDF Files
You may have had problems in the past with the security of your PDF documents. For example, someone could have duplicated your PDF content and passed it off as their own. Other times, your PDF can be in use as a potential source for someone else’s work, but they will give no credit to the […]
Job Tools: Why is PDFBear Useful at Work
We all want an easy life, a life without stress and hardships. But as much as we want that life, it’s not possible. We all need to go to work to pay our bills, feed our family, and buy the things that we want. But because we have a job doesn’t mean our life has […]
Showcasing Your Products with Animated Video
New and creative ways to stand out are essential for businesses looking to get ahead. A great way to do this is with animated video which can be used on your website and social media platforms. You can also churn out lots of different videos to showcase your products and services to appeal to different […]
Smart Management Software – What Are The Trends of The Future?
From the mainframes of the 60s (those computers that took up practically a room) to the cloud of the 21st century, management software has continued to evolve. And along the way, they have been gaining speed, acquiring new features, and becoming much easier to use. With the increasing introduction of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and […]
6 Recommendations for WordPress Hosting in 2021
WordPress leads the pack in self-hosted platforms, powering over 40% of the web, according to W3Techs. However, picking the right hosting solution for your WordPress site is paramount to your business’s success online. Let’s look at some of the highly recommended WordPress hosting solutions on the market. 6 Best Hosting Solutions for WordPress BlueHost This […]
What is CRM? and How Can It Help You To Manage Your Business?
CRM is the acronym for Customer Relationship Management. It is a strategy that prioritizes the client and their needs, intending to offer better products and services according to the particularities of each client. If you need to manage your contacts or have a clearer vision of your sales, CRM software can help you improve business […]
3 Inexpensive Tech Upgrades for Your Home
If you’ve lived in your house for a while, it might be time to level up some of your home’s technology that’s become antiquated. Some minor tweaks can make your home feel more livable, and many of these upgrades cost less to operate than their outdated counterparts. If you’re wondering where to start, here are […]
SASE Introduction For Secure Remote Computing
Many companies looked at where companies are on their way to adopting SASE. The study compares countries, industries, and trends. From the results, organizations has now derived recommendations for action to introduce SASE for secure remote computing. According to companies, one thing stands out from the survey results carried out in January 2021: Although IT […]
4 Tips to Reduce PDF Size Without Compromising Quality
PDF is a very common file format that is relatively small and rarely experiences formatting issues. While they are already very small in size, there are ways to make them even smaller without sacrificing quality. What is a PDF? A Portable Document Format, or PDF, is a type of file that cannot be modified by […]