SCAMPER Technique – How it is useful for positioning on the Internet

What is the SCAMPER technique? SCAMPER is an acronym that represents the words: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put in other uses, Delete, and Reorganize. This technique is very common to innovate, while for positioning on the Internet it is very useful in creating content. Often times, the SEO copywriter or copywriter goes through a creative […]

The Different Forms Of Online Advertising And Their Advantages

Companies have to consider a variety of things in order to survive and succeed in the market. This also includes advertising. There are more than enough reasons to advertise. Advertising can, for example, raise awareness, increase sales, and help to stand out from the competition. Online advertising plays a prominent role in times of digitization. […]

The mission of The Social Media Manager In An eCommerce

The figure of Social Media Manager is one of the new professions that the digital age has brought with it, new profiles that until very recently were not even known. Why is Social Media necessary for eCommerce? The mission of this figure is to plan strategies in the different social networks , differentiating itself from […]

AI In ECommerce will achieve Huge improvement in customer satisfaction

Innovations in customer experience, disruptive business models, and technology will transform online commerce in the coming years. Visual commerce, eCommerce by subscription, personalization, artificial intelligence or additional income strategies are some of the trends that will shape the future of eCommerce.Technology has been the spearhead in the electronic commerce revolution, which has been evolving since […]

How Does SMS Marketing Impact Your Company’s Strategy?

Today 92% of the population has a mobile phone and marketing departments have taken advantage of the SMS to open a direct line of communication with their customers Thanks to new technologies and multiple platforms, companies have new opportunities to reach a much broader spectrum, which represents a considerable growth in lead generation and sales. […]

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