B2B Digital Marketing Automation Report 2021

How does marketing automation succeed? In the B2B area? For the fourth time in a row, Experts illuminate the current trends and technological developments for modern marketing with marketing automation B2B companies in various industries. The central result of the Marketing Automation Report 2021 is: For B2B companies, it is essential to make better use […]

Instagram Marketing – 5 Tips for SMEs

Dear advance, lateral and further thinkers, How is this for you guys? Time and again, we experience that it is difficult for small and medium-sized companies to assert themselves against the competition. Large companies dominate most industries. Small businesses have to fight for every customer, and it isn’t easy to acquire new customers. Search engine […]

What Is Endomarketing And How Is It Applied In The Company?

Have you heard of endomarketing? Also known as internal marketing, it is becoming a more and more critical factor for companies. Focused on improving the employee experience, endomarketing uses marketing tools towards workers themselves and not towards customers. We are facing an activity that arises from the synergy between the marketing and human resources departments. […]

Automated Marketing – Keys to Conquer Your Customers and Their Portfolio

Marketing Automation, also known as Marketing Automation, is a technology that above all will help you increase your sales volume and new customers. That easy. In an era in which “old-fashioned” sales have stopped working and in which it is essential to adapt to the new environment, betting on effective online marketing strategies that are […]

The Main Mistakes When Advertising On Google

Google is the search engine with the most significant impact in the world, and, in addition, it has the largest advertising platform worldwide: Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords). Although it has relatively simple usability to allow inexperienced users to use it, it requires specific knowledge to get the most out of it. No company […]

Why Do Influencer Marketing?

The media have changed, and with them, the content creators. Among many others, one of the consequences of this new reality has been the appearance of new leaders of interest, the so-called influencers. Those people whose opinion can mobilize a large number of people, their followers, are considered such. As expected, someone with the ability […]

The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy

Here are some of the biggest mistakes made in inbound marketing, and especially in content marketing. Some will be obvious to the more experienced but are still being committed. Others, on the other hand, are produced at a more advanced level. Avoiding mistakes in content marketing strategies is essential for them to succeed. Since sometimes […]


Facebook’s online advertising platforms have become one of the pillars of digital marketing. The article will explain how Facebook ads work, what benefits they bring to advertisers, and how to set up a campaign. Focusing on what you want to achieve through Facebook ads is the main key to obtaining better results; defining an objective […]

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