Category: GADGETS

Wearable Devices – What Are Your Most Common Vulnerabilities?

There are many types of wearable devices. In fact, each time we have new connected devices that help us measure many things in our daily lives, especially our data. These devices interact with our bodies directly or indirectly, to collect data with which to elaborate useful information for the user. We can count from sports […]

WiFi: How To Improve Your Home WiFi Network

More and more households have a broadband Internet connection (fiber optics, mainly) and, also, their own private access WiFi network. The possibility of using the wireless network throughout the house allows us to enjoy our smartphones, tablets and other devices with Internet connection capacity without depending on mobile “data“. Now, these WiFi networks can be […]

With These Things, We Are Already Using Facial Recognition

The facial recognition technology is more present in everyday life. In places and applications that maybe you didn’t know. Within the field of AI, these types of applications can be developed with which a sensor can make metrics to recognize people’s faces and make an option. For facial recognition to work, you only need an […]

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