Category: GADGETS

7 Recurring Problems During Post-Production And How You Can Fix Them

“Let’s fix it in post” is a ubiquitous slogan in the video creation industry that makes wrap-ups less appalling for directors and cinematographers.Especially in an amateur production with a small budget, things never go as planned, and the post-production always becomes the last ray of hope to make things right.But that’s no good news for […]

The Launch Of The iPhone 12 Is Officially Delayed. When will it be launched?

In recent months, there have been a lot of rumors about the delay in the launch of the iPhone 12. The COVID-19 crisis has caused serious damage to the smartphone market due to problems caused by the states of confinement that have marked the different countries involved in the manufacture of these, causing the supply […]

LTE – What is It and Advantages & Disadvantages

The LTE standard is increasingly establishing itself for high bandwidths in mobile communications. We explain to you what LTE is and what advantages it brings. definition LTE stands for Long Term Evolution and thus represents a fourth-generation (4G) cellular standard. Theoretically, transmission rates of up to 300 Mbit / s are possible. At the moment, […]

Microsoft Discovered A Bug In Windows 10 That Affects Two Security Features Of The Operating System

Once again Microsoft has to go out of its way to explain a failure in its Windows system. The company guarantees that the problem will be resolved in the next update of Windows 10. However, he has not yet confirmed the available date. According to ZDNet, Microsoft recognizes that problems in the Windows 10 operating […]

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