Category: Digital Marketing

Is SEO Marketing Dead? 3 Ways to Leverage It in the Digital Marketing Era

Whether or not SEO is “dead” has been on the minds of many marketing professionals. One of SEO’s most popular myths is that ROI (return on investment) is hard to come by, but this is simply not true. As digital marketing grows and innovates, some people mistakenly assume that SEO is a dated strategy in […]

Search Engine Optimization – These Factors You Should Know

This is how our SEO expert describes the topic of search engine optimization. And if you start to deal with the topic, it quickly becomes clear: He is right! As soon as you think there is nothing left to optimize, Google changes its algorithm and the associated ranking factors again. In the following article, we […]

Digital Marketing – Who Should You Write For?

The digital transformation of businesses and buyer behaviour has not finished being a hot topic simply because these changes substantially impact the buying journey and business practices in all company sectors. Activities. Write For Clients You Don’t Have! It is easier to write for your existing clients because you know them well. However, this editorial […]

PopUp And PopIn Ads – Do You Know The Difference?

PopUp ads are graphic teasers that are displayed in pop-up windows. Surely you are used to seeing this type of advertising. Sometimes they are obnoxious, but it is a good strategy to increase your audience. Many companies use this promotional tactic. The objective of this method is to attract traffic to a specific website, be […]

Chatbots In Digital Marketing Communication

Chatbots are intended to replace employees in service. What are chatbots? How can they be used in practice? What areas of application and experiences are there? The article illuminates the topic and gives answers. Chatbots as digital service employees Chatbots are emerging as a serious competitor for apps right now. They are independent of operating […]

The 13 Most Common Mistakes In a Content Marketing Strategy

Here are some of the biggest mistakes made in inbound marketing, and especially in content marketing. Some will be obvious to the more experienced but are still being committed. Others, on the other hand, are produced at a more advanced level. Avoiding mistakes in content marketing strategies is essential for them to succeed. Since sometimes […]

4 Ways The Pandemic Has Changed Digital Advertising

The global pandemic that came in late 2019 was the health scare no one was prepared for. Industries across different sectors were forced to adapt faster than they ever had in the past to keep up with customer demands, needs, and new facets of marketing. One aspect of running a business that had to change […]

A Beginners Guide on Finding the Most Suitable Enterprise SEO Agency

Utah is one of the largest states in the US. Despite being one of the least densely populated states, it still has one of the country’s most diversified economies. Aside from the tourism sector, which draws plenty of visitors to enjoy the state’s popular national parks like Canyonlands and Arches, industries like mining, transportation, and […]

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