Category: BUSINESS

7 Keys To Implementing An Innovation Model In Companies

In a scenario of accelerated digitization such as the current one, companies have to establish, through models that encourage and sustain innovation, strategies that allow them to redefine and reimagine their relationship with customers based on new purchasing habits, and this requires evolving towards service models thought in terms of solutions and not products, that […]

Ways To Improve Customer Service Through Technology

You’d think that businesses do not need to be reminded that customer service is one of the most essential aspects of their operations. Customer acquisition and retention become challenging, to say the least, in the absence of excellent customer service. However, many businesses do not invest time or money in their customer service divisions, which […]

The Mix Of Management Strategies That Your Company Needs

Managing an organization today is a job in which not only business administration techniques are applied. Today, a company is a set of activities that involve managing projects and certifications over time, for which it is necessary to handle different business organization strategies. In most cases, managers and middle managers do not have adequate qualifications, […]

How To Make a Business Plan and Other Tips On Entrepreneurship

If you are thinking of undertaking and starting a business adventure, you will have to organize many ideas; about your product or service and the type of organization and its operation. When you start, you will value requesting private financing, public aid or, for example, entering business incubators to facilitate the start of the activity. […]

WhatsApp Will Also Allow You To Convert Voice Notes To Text.

WhatsApp is gradually implementing more and more news. In recent months, we have witnessed the biggest facelift, at least in those missed key functions. Voice notes are a fundamental part of how WhatsApp works. However, they are not received with the same liking by all users. This is because too many voice notes can be […]

Data Analysis In Occupational Health And Safety Management

World Day for Safety and Health at Work (OSH) 2021 highlights the importance of strengthening Occupational Safety and Health Management systems, both at the national and corporate levels. We will focus on the business world, on the importance of creating and investing in occupational health and safety systems. In this sense, organizations can find in […]

Business Energy Usage: How to Make it Cheaper and Greener

In business, there’s always the drive to keep costs low. Making your firm operate with the lowest possible overheads means maximizing your profits and running a streamlined, highly competi-tive company. But in 2021, a new factor is becoming increasingly important for your company’s self-image and reputation among clients and customers: your green credentials. In this […]

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