It is not new that the digital age radically changed social relations and forms of consumption. The impact of the pandemic, in addition, helped to expand telecommuting as a work structure that is here to stay. For this reason, any company that intends to grow, sell more and generate competitiveness must follow a digital transformation process that allows it to achieve its objectives. But first, you must understand that this transformation involves improving a service or product and adapting the company’s values to the digital age through internal communication, customer experience, design, visibility, and various marketing strategies.
Virtual communities, social networks, digital platforms and applications that the user downloads on the phone change how to relate to a product or service to achieve successful business management. To adapt to technological changes that are constantly evolving, a company must follow a process that takes into account not only the digitization of its operations and services, but fundamentally the training of its employees, internal policies, communication with the actual customer or potential and, finally, the culture that it promotes as an organization. The technological transformation will be successful if all these aspects are considered integrated.
In principle, it must be understood that digitization is not the same as digital transformation. Digitization, for its part, refers to incorporating digital elements in manual processes, generating an internal modification in the procedure that brings benefits and reduces risks without altering the result. Digital transformation, on the other hand, implies assimilating the digitization process to obtain better results. In a company, digital transformation means reviewing and reinvention of its values to impact the market, generating competitive advantage, improving the user experience, expanding communication with the target audience and establishing innovative marketing strategies. For a successful digital transformation, the company must take into account the technological aspect and the human dimension of the workplace.
Investigate the work environment, encourage employees with technological advances, think of innovative strategies that involve technology, make market measurements, listen to professionals in the sector, distinguish what type of digitization is suitable for each company and anticipate possible unforeseen events are some steps that will help to achieve a successful digital transformation that contributes to business progress. By following some key measures, the desired digital transformation can be achieved.
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Before committing to plan a digital transformation, it is essential to know the relationship of employees with technology and the general ideas about digital innovation in the work environment to have a clear picture of the enthusiasm, doubts or resistance that may arise in a change of these characteristics. It is not about imposing a paradigm shift but about stimulating a technological relationship that generates benefits both in daily work and at the macro-level of the company. It is essential to create interviews, meetings and a space for dialogue to draw up an achievable business projection. Also, once technological adaptation has begun, it is necessary to make progress evaluations to measure the positive or negative impact on the work environment. For the answer to be positive, It is essential to think in advance about what kind of technologies will be implemented so that the whole team benefits from the changes. In principle, technology should help meet business objectives. Then, it must be a technology that improves the experience of users and customers and the employees themselves. In addition, it must be able to adapt to the company’s current requirements, anticipate future changes, and automate critical procedures for the development and growth of the company.
To achieve an effective digital transformation, it is essential to know how to communicate why digital tools imply a benefit for the company and an optimization of daily tasks and an increase in productivity and team performance. Looking closely at existing workflows and resolution modes in a company is key to bringing a new vision that generates excitement with technological adaptation. If any of the tasks performed are manual or if communication with the client is personal, the implementation of technology will bring an obvious advantage since it will be possible to systematize procedures, simplify work steps, gather more information in less time and better understand the customer to improve their user experience. Problem identification should be made collectively,
Knowing, defining and segmenting the different types of customers is key to offering a better commercial experience. Data analysis allows a more objective approach to the target audience’s behavior. In this sense, digital transformation simplifies the data compilation processes in online and offline channels to achieve a comprehensive vision of the target audience. It centralizes resources to have clarity about the customer’s purchase journey. With a clear picture of the intentions of the target audience, you can think of strategies for the different segments and anticipate their needs.
Once the target audience has been identified, it is necessary to work on optimizing their customer experience. It is essential to think of a marketing strategy based on digital adaptation to provide comforting experiences through websites, applications, social networks, and physical stores or shopping malls since digitization does not mean discarding the personal aspect. Of commercial management, but to incorporate technological elements to boost consumption and business growth.
More than a way to reduce costs, the automation of processes and operations has become a mechanism for simplifying tasks and improving results for a company. Automation works as a computer for data, services, offers, keywords, behaviors, and purchasing trends to avoid the information overload that digital marketing campaigns often produce. Automation is a fundamental part of the technological transformation since it allows a greater reach and access to the information of actual or potential clients and helps to know their wishes, needs, and aspirations in a personalized way. With that systematized data collection, a better trading experience can be achieved.
A proactive leader is a key to starting a digital transformation process in a company. It is important to identify someone who will take responsibility for balancing employee requirements, the interaction between work areas, and shareholder demand. The leader must not only be aware of the changes and movements within the company but must bring ideas and the strength that optimizes the team dynamics and encourages everyone to engage with technology integrally. Finally, a leader must unify all the company’s efforts in the same direction.
Digital transformation is not just about investing in technology but knowing what kind of technology is suitable for a company or startup. Before launching to spend money on technological innovations, it is essential to establish a purchase criterion that allows knowing how to assimilate this technology into the work environment. Thinking that technology alone is the solution to problems is a common mistake that does not let us see the global picture. For the transformation to be functional, it is necessary to understand that digitization is part of a more extensive process that seeks to optimize the company’s resources, communication, services, tone, voice and image.
Although optimizing the company’s internal conditions is very important, the central objective of digital transformation is to enhance the user experience. It is vital to understand that the user experience is not the responsibility of a specific area of the company but the organization of all the teams. It is also necessary to know that the user experience does not only imply a successful sale but all aspects of the link between the client and the company, from their attention, conversion, opinion and enthusiasm to their reactions, criticisms and personal observations of what they expect. Of the service or product. With this in mind, a technological adaptation can be advanced to achieve new communication levels and react faster to customer needs and digital marketing.
Just as a marketing strategy is a key to optimizing resources, positioning a product or service, attracting new customers, improving the experience of the target audience and finally increasing sales, a digital transformation strategy is essential to measure the impact of technological adaptation, the relationship of employees with new tools, the setting of medium and long-term objectives and the resources necessary to balance existing conditions with digital projection. A realistic strategy helps distinguish the types of technology needed, reduce risks in the face of unforeseen events, and advance a healthy transition to a new work format. Once the strategy is thought of, it is essential to know how to communicate the clarity of that strategy to excite potential clients with the proposal. Although this may take a little longer to finish fine-tuning the stages of the process, a solid system serves to dispel doubts about the effectiveness of digital transformation.
Once the digital strategy has been thought out, the impact on the work environment has been analyzed, information on the target audience has been gathered, the right technology has been invested, and the main objectives have been outlined, it is time to prepare the team for the transformation that lies ahead. Although it seems like a general issue, it is a personal task that implies persistence, dialogue, dynamism and the ability to convince. Finally, it is about generating a cultural change within the company, promoting digital incorporation as one of the core values. If it is about avoiding a conversation on the subject or if you want to impose some aspect without consensus, you may find resistance when thinking about digital strategies in the future. Incentives, training and constant training in technology are crucial to awakening or increasing the interest of employees in digital transformation. Cultural change involves showing that all parties are equally crucial for a successful digital transformation.
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